16 May 2010

Back in Action!

Hello all! I am sooooo happy to have my Internet back on and a little time to write. So what have I been up to???...

Moving and Living Together
The move went good. I was glad that we hired movers, especially since I was still on crutches and in a soft cast. The living together has been pretty good too. Not without bumps, but also not without lessons and growth. He went out a town a couple weekends, and it was definitely weird at night and sleeping alone. I like the way things are going. We have a great partnership. And he's not a gross boy, so I dont feel like a mom picking up after him. I cook now more than I have EVER had to cook in my life. Everyday basically. It's actually not too bad. The main challenge has been switching it up...variety. He doesn't eat seafood and I dont eat beef or pork, so we've had a lot of chicken and turkey meals. I'm trying to find things that are quick but different. Getting home at 7:30 and making a meal that takes longer than 45 minutes isnt an option. We're planning to have a cookout soon and I'm excited to have our friends over to our humble abode. :-)

So, I basically got a promotion at work...and a raise! I've been put in charge of recruiting students, as well as planning our end of the year celebration. Things have been going good with that, and it gives me a chance to save more money for the summer since I wont be working while I'm in training.

I'm sooooooooo excited to start training for DC Teaching Fellows. I have picked up my Guidebook (basically our textbook) and been fingerprinted. I started my assignments, which are due June 1st and made contact with a couple of principals at schools I'm interested in. I really hope I can get hired as a Kindergarten teacher. Ace of Rambles loves the kids! lol All in all the process is going very well. I'm glad that I'm already in the DMV because I have a co-worker who was a Fellow and she hated it. She admits that a lot of her disdain for the program comes from the fact that she moved here like 2 days before training started. She feels like she was always 10 steps behind everyone else.

The Frat
So much to my surprise I was elected to serve the Fraternity. I went to the conference back at the end of March with the intentions of supporting my home chapter and mingleing with Alumni in the area. I came home the new Section Chair, which means I now lead 7 chapters in the DC and Estern MD area. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOo excited (but more humbled) about this position. The work that will be done will be EPIC! Look out for updates.

I really cant say that there is much going on in any other area of my life. My little sister is set to graduate from HS next month *tear* and she will be attending college in DC, which means I'll get to see her more. I have a SUPER busy summer ahead, so be prepared for LOTS of post!


-Ace of Rambles


  1. It's about dag on time!!! (Just means you've been missed, lol)

    For quick, healthy recipes check out Sparkpeople.com. I mostly use it for its food and exercise trackers but there are some really good recipes on there too. Also, try cooking two or three meals at the beginning of the week and freezing them. I've only succeeded at this like once or twice myself but I'm also only cooking for myself usually which sometimes seem pointless.

    YAY for DCTF!!! and the promotion/raise at work!! Get it done!!

  2. sounds like you need to come borrow my silver container of recipes and you also should invest in a crock pot which is meant to be left on all day and wont burn your house down ... lol
