25 May 2010

Loving What I Have

As I sit here typing this my guy is sleeping on the couch, and I cant help but look over at him and smile. My two mentors/friends at work always make fun of me for blushing when I talk about him, and even some of my closest friends compliment on my "glow". It's been almost 2 years. We've had our ups and our downs. Our happy moments and our teary nights. But we've done it together. We work on out relationship (and ourselves) constantly, which helps each day get better and better. It's funny to think that when I first met him I couldnt stand him and would have been happy to never see him again...and now I cant see my life without him and cant sleep unless he is right next to me.

-Ace of Rambles

1 comment:

  1. awwwww I totally know what you mean. Its the little things and it just gets better with time.
