13 January 2010

Philippians 1:6

One of my favorite verses (hence the tattoo) in the Bible is Philippians 1:6, which states: Be confident of this, He who begins a great work in you will bring it to completion. I know that God is working on me every day, and the day He feels that my work is done will be the day He will call me home. Until that day I have to have faith that God is still working on me. In the Book of Philippians Paul writes thank-you letters to the believers of Philippi and gives them instructions on how to live as Christians. Paul teaches advises them that it is by modeling Christ that one can receive joy. As cliche as it sounds, I know that 2010 will be full of JOY year, not happiness. The difference is that happiness is dependent upon one's environment and circumstance( getting a compliment, enjoying a favorite hobby, seeing a long lost friend, etc). Joy is what you have when no matter what is happening around you (no job, struggling to pay the bills, broke up with your boyfriend/girlfriend, crashed your car, whatever) you can still be thankful, still be happy, still be kind, and still be loving! Joy is also when you place others before yourself and Jesus before all others ("J"esus, "O"thers, "Y"ourself) It will be a year of being stretched, of learning, and of COMPLETION, and I will have JOY through it all! Some may wonder how I am so sure. I am sure because I know that 2010 represents the completeness of order, marking the entire round of anything, is, therefore, the ever-present signification of the number ten. It implies that nothing is wanting; that the number and order are perfect; that the whole cycle is complete. (source) This makes me VERY excited and I can't wait to see what happens next.

-Ace of Rambles


  1. I love your acronym for Joy!! I will definitely be using that.

  2. Why thank you! I learned that in Vacation Bible School. :-)
