19 January 2010

Sisters....and Friends

Allies, partners in crime, rivals...Do you have a sister? If you have, you know what I mean.

I have two sisters...one older and one younger...both by 5 years.

We fight, we patch it up. We laugh at jokes that no one can understand. We have said some of the meanest things to each other. We will defend each other when others won't. We have done some of the silliest things together and there's so many stories to be recalled when we are together.

Through some of the harshest times, we became muted to one another. Yet through it all, the coldness will eventually thaw and melt away and we're right back to where we've left it, that is, like nothing has ever been missing...

This past weekend my older sister/roommate and I spent our days watching movies, playing with my niece, shopping, cooking, and really just enjoying each other. This really hasn't been something we've been able to do in the last few months because our relationship had really deteriorated due to time conflicts, work stress, new relationships, shifts in priorities, changes in life responsibilities, and who knows what else. In the last few weeks other changes have happened (relief of work stress, better scheduling, and a CONSCIOUS decision to make things change) and now I feel our relationship getting better....coming back. As we move closer to the day (April/May) when we no longer will be roommates I am confident that our sisterhood, and more importantly our friendship, will still be in tact.

I wasn't always so sure. There was a time when I was truly afraid that we'd move to separate houses or apartments and only speak to each other at holiday dinners or birthday. I didn't want that to be the relationship I had with my sister, and I am so thankful that it wont be. This doesn't mean that we wont disagree on things or that we won't be upset with each other, but I can promise that on my end of things I don't ever want our relationship to be at rock bottom...been there...wont do it again.

With that though, I understand that we BOTH have to put forth an effort in this relationship. We BOTH have to be willing to meet each other in the middle. And we BOTH have to understand that things change. We aren't 10 and 5 anymore. I can't expect her to always rescue me, and she cant expect to me to be the little curious kid that will do anything she says just cause. Amy Li says, "Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'll still be there." and I couldn't agree more.

-Ace of Rambles



  2. I can comment!
